

Odd stuff & sex



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Most items on this page are free to copy if for

non-ideological, non-religious, non-commercial

or non-political uses. Click on, tap, touch, tell, or

think about underlined text & highlighted colors.





This page was started by PAT in 1993-1994

under the advice and professional guidance of

Dr Pierre Emile THIBAULT, a stomatologist

and tropical Doctor who wrote his


medical thesis at the “Faculté de Médecine de Paris”

in 1935 about “Les accidents infectieux d´origine

dentaire chez les syphilitiques”.


This page was then developed through the years until

2010 with information from modern institutional and

private medical staff such as at “What’s new”, and


facts gathered at Ggl Wiki Wikt Dic Dmz Yh YT with


 Special4u  Front Page  Videolaricss  Isiwebs





Before any travel, voyage, vacation, holiday, trip,

or any week-day, it can be useful reading some

of the info below that can be relevant for you:





“Sex, internet topic number 1”


A topic by Deep Throat





There are as many approaches and ways to ask

and to possibly answer questions about sex as

there are individuals to read texts, hear sounds

and stories, see images, films, movies, and videos

about it, or practice its uncountable variations.


Here are some examples of the most FAQ and

searched keywords on this topic at billions of

internet sites and institutional, public, commercial,

or private web pages that can be related to some

of the numerous aspects of human and biological

sex activity and proceeding.


You can select or add anyone to your own lists

of chosen pages and links:





Sexual reproduction  Instinct  Animal sexual behaviour


Human sexual behaviour  Sexually transmitted disease


Hormones Steroid sex  Testosterone E2  Gene Allele 334


Allelic variations





Psycho-sociology of sex and gender


Gender physiology and sex  Dermatology





Underarm, pubic, anal, leg, shaving-waxing unhealthy ?


Sexy outfits  VD  Armpit dirtiest?


When humans lost hair?  Teeth?


Clothes needed?  Shoes?  Athlete’s foot







Emotions  Sympathy  Empathy


List of emotions  Feelings


Dreams & Nightmares




Dating  Love somebody  Somebody to love 


Partner  Gender  Gender gap  Private


Sex  Intercourse




Venereal Diseases - Internet Tests


Antipathy  Disgust  Repulsion


Hate somebody  Plenty to hate here


Revenge  Crime





Some selected sex topics & sexy stuff:


wish  will  desire  lust  horny  +++ ...


eye  eying  wink  eyes tell  eyes & health ...


handshake  hand kiss  accolade  hug ...


shoulderclapper  backslapper ...




lips  mouth  ears  ear pinch  nose rubbing ...


tattoo  piercing  styling  fashion  design ...


beauty  history of beauty ...


breast  boobs  like these 2  or 3  navel ...


hips  butt  ass  anus  Japanese anus painting ...


buttocks  legs  sexy legs  foot fetishism  more ...



My Humps  at YouTube  Big Booty



genitals  sex organs  pubic  hair  lice ...


vagina  Ursula Martinez  gynaecology  anus ...


penis  groin  testicles  pain ...


foreplay  petting  kiss  French kiss  fellatio ...


Kamasutra  at YT  India - Temples  Khajuraho





A 58-million-year-old story


Mendeleev  Mendel   Genetics  Your DNA


Evolution  (****)  (*****)  The Missing Link?





Touch  Why not  Suck it  More  More  Gay lions


odour  BO  sexual odours  erotic scents  Try ? ...


Perfume  Erotic perfumes


Taste  Erotic food  Drinks  Sexual stimulants ...





Kids get ideas  Eat shit  B King  McD ...



Sex toys  Lubricants  Dildo  Orgasm  Coitus ...



Sadism  Masochism  Spanking  Punishment ...





check these keywords & many similar at YT,

in your language also at sex dictionaries,

Sex-Lexis, medical, slang ...


French, Spanish, Italian, German, Russian,


Sexual literature in Paris, London, Bookshops,


Littérature érotique Paris, Librairies érotiques,


Thèses médicales, Musées médicaux, - M -







Historical sources:  Jean Astruc  Jean-L-M Alibert


Photo 1868 by Professeur Alfred Hardy,

pathologie interne, Hôpital Saint-Louis


Hôpital Saint-Louis Musée dermatologique SFHD BIUM


Vienna School of Dermatology


Ve Congrès des dermatologistes et syphiligraphes

de langue française, Lyon, 19 juillet 1934,

par Marius Carle, Pierre E. Thibault


Medical thesis by Dr Pierre E. Thibault

at the “Faculté de Médecine de Paris”

about “Les accidents infectieux d´origine

dentaire chez les syphilitiques” 1935


XIIe Congrès de l’Association des Dermatologistes

et Syphiligraphes de Langue Française, Paris 23 juin 1965,

Maladies du tissu élastique cutané. Pierre A. Thibault,

collaborateur media de l’ association des Dermatologistes

pour Havas Conseil organisateur du congrès.


ADF Association des Dermatologistes Francophones

Association of French-Speaking Dermatologists

CHU Bichat-Claude Bernard, Service de Dermatologie,

46, rue Henri Huchard, 75018 Paris.

Hôpital Tenon, Service de Dermatologie-vénéréologie,

4, rue de la Chine, 75020 Paris

CHRU Trousseau-Tours, Service de Dermatologie-vénéréologie,

37044 Tours


The British Association of Dermatologists






Vaccination  Birth control  Condom


Number, card, or certificate from your national


Social Security


European Health Insurance Card in 22 languages,


EHIC in 6 languages at Wiki, EHIC in English at Google


from the EU and EEA countries + Switzerland.


Travel insurance at Wiki, Travel insurance at Google,


Travel Insurance with emergency evacuation repatriation,


often included in your Home insurance.


Hemförsäkring med reseförsäkring + flygambulans




SOS 112 European SOS


Emergency tel numbers




Polizei  110






Examples of Autobahn Emergency Services






Europ assistance




USA - Canada  911


HIS Health Systems International in USA

Toll Free: (800) 962-6831


Fax: (317) 806-2033




URGENCES  SAMU 15  Police 17


Centre antipoison-antidrogue France




SOS Copenhagen


For injury-accident, contact the Emergency Centre:

Tel:  +4570105050

Fax:  +4570105056



English  Dansk  Svenska  Norsk  Suomeksi







Homosexual behaviour in other animals than humans


Gay  Male-to-female  Shemale  Intersex  Intersexuality


Lesbians  Transwomen  Transgender  Transsexual




Hermaphrodite  Pseudohermaphrodite


Androgyne  Androgyny






Europride at YT


PRIDE Stockholm 2007 - photos by Andrea


Stockholm Europride 2008 25-7 / 3-8 at YT


½ million in the streets at the pride parade


50 000 active members at Stockholm pride


Actives in all Political parties, Organisations, Unions,

Police, Military, Churches, Religions,

Doctors, Nurses, Disabled, Retired,

Fire-fighters, Teachers, Students, Musicians, Artists...,

also in all professions & trades, and from more than


50 countries. A real popular movement


(“Actives” are approximately 6 % of all Swedes.

There are more than 60% of “non-blaming” adults.

By 2008, about 70% of young persons “accept”

this trend. Estimates based on interviews at RFSL

by PAT, media analyses at News, consensus after

deliberation by Special4u appropriate teams.)





Examples of other approaches of some other main

topics related to the human  being, the individual,

groups and society as presented by many teams

and persons collaborating with the Special4u sites:



Genetics  Genes  DNA  Heredity  Life  Biology  Cloning



John Gurdon & Shinya Yamanaka  (***)


1st noticed at Special4u 2007 after

works on frog cloning in the 1960s and later

and a paper about stem cells in 2006.



Medical Research



Human sexual behaviour  Sexually transmitted disease




Hormones Steroid sex  Testosterone E2  Gene Allele 334


Allelic variations



Sex  Pornography  Misanthropy  Misogynist  Feminist


Nesle  Sade  Masoch  Maldoror  Fleurs du Mal


Family  Parents  Orphans  Single parents



Contraception-Birth control  Vaccination


Gynaecology  Menstruation  PMS  Fertility  Obstetrics


Fertilisation  Pregnancy  Midwifery


Motherhood maternity  Mother  Birth  Pediatrics


Parents  Orphans  Street children  Adoption


Single parent  Family  Children


Kids  Teens  School  Deviance


Super nanny  Super nanny at YT



Life quality





Erotica  Love  Sex


Prostitution Trafficking Drugs Narcotics Guns Weapons


Money laundering Crime Torture Murder Manslaughter


Slavery Sex tourism Pedophilia Porn Examples of free


porn through Google language tools in many languages:


En  De  Nl  Fr  Sp  Ita  Po Bra


Cybersex Sex topics


Sociology of sex and gender


Castration-chemical castration





Castration  Castrate


Inquisition  Catholic Church


Castration in India


Hermaphrodites in Lahore




Sex slaves in Copenhagen


Escorts  Ekstra Bladet


Sex slaves in Europe  Pascha





Extreme stuff as snuff film, kiddie porn, cannibal porn,

“Pasolini stuff”... has been excluded from this review

by consensus among the Special4u teams, leaving that

a police matter.





Sex and pornography are topics also presented

at many other pages of the Special4u sex sites

and for example at Kink  Kinky sex  Bizarre






Uncountable Sex sites on the internet:



Adult sites  xxx sites  Pornographic sites





Sex toys  Sex accessories  Sex lubricants





Fetishism  Fetishism  Sexual fetishism





Ejaculation  Female ejaculation


Squirting  Sex machines  Sybian  D. Lampert


Sex addiction  Nymphomania  Hypersex


Oversex  Premarital sex  Cheating


Sex abstinence  Sex counselling  Sex clinics





Sexual abuse  Sexual abuse in religions





Circumcision  Female mutilation


Medical circumcision


Religious circumcision


1 ½ billion Muslims


380 million Arabs


13 million Jews


4.5 million Secular & non-declared Jews


Wannsee  Protokoll


Muslims & Jews in Europe


Muslim names  Jewish names


Halal & Kosher


Halal sex  Kosher sex





Maltreatment  of children  of women


Domestic Violence Agencies


International  in Europe


Click on map


Domestic violence  Refuge UK


Femmes battues  Violencia doméstica


Violenza sulle donne numero verde


Germany  Sweden





Sex offence  Sex offenders


Exhibitionism  Voyeurism






Abuse of food (LED) can lead to

or can be part of the abuse of


alcohol, tobacco, central stimulants,


pharmaceutical medicines, drugs, narcotics,


internet drugs, lists of narcotics ..., more,


is mostly good for makers, marketers, middlemen,

pushers and their financiers,


DEA, Stup,


“The French connection”, 1971,


modern narco trafficking,





Abuse of sex, sex addiction, can also lead to


asocial behaviour needing psychosocial rehab.







Some short History of Sex & Sex in Art


Euro Man  Euro Venus by PAT


History of dildo about 28 000 years  B.C.


Egyptian Mythology  Egyptian dildo


Greek Mythology  Venus Kallipygos  Dildos


Cicero  Virgil  Seneca ...


Sacrifice  Ordeal  Roman circus


Gladiators by PAT


Martyrs  Sex in Inquisition


Chastity belt  La Tour de Nesle


Petrarch  Boccaccio  Chaucer ...


Donatien, Marquis de Sade  Sacher Masoch


Baudelaire  Lautréamont  Pasolini ...





SM  Violence  Rape  Mental abuse  Torture


Urolagnia  Golden shower 


Scatology Coprology, “Pasolini stuff”





Torture,  Military sadism,  Captain Alfredo Astiz,


Gal Aussaresses,  SA,  Pinkville,  Abu Ghraib,


Pentagon videos accessible with enough cash





snuff films (at Wiki), cannibal porn,


Armin Meiwes, the cannibal in Rotenburg


Josef Fritzl, cellar incest in Amstetten


Wolfgang Priklopil - Natascha Kampusch


Marc Dutroux in Belgium   more cases


Bruno, a Brasilian goal keeper


are some rather recent examples of far out

and extreme basically deviant sexual

behaviour generally considered as police,

law, sexual psychology and psychiatric

matters, resulting often in death or

in somebody being locked in the same

way as Donatien, Marquis de Sade.





Some historical and criminology cases

of serial killing and over sex:


Gilles de Ray (over 400 victims ???),

perhaps inspired Blue Beard, Henry VIII,

Jack the Ripper (“Canonical five” + ???)

Landru (11 identified victims + ???),

Dr Petiot (135 presumed victims + ???)...,






Some examples among thousands

of free sex TV, or free internet sex

sites, or with long playing sex videos

in many languages as at:


YT  Tiava  Rb  YP  pt  Sf  RT  


Frikimedia xh  xv  sw  jl  bj  ss  


Asian  Lesb  Twilight Sex  TV SEXE  


Dailymotion  Dailymotion Sex


NCR  Binoche  Stripx   


VBS.TV  Explore Sex, Drugs ...






Procreation is still the main result of all human

activity, bigger than destruction, war, money,

greed, egoism ... together.


Reproduction for preservation is the motivation

number one of all biologic and human life.


Pleasure is the main “tool” for satisfaction


Pain is the opposite feeling. Some say deviance

and perversion can make it fun.


Prostitution is a widely outspread human activity

and most ancient sex matter in most societies.


Prostitution in Europe  in Germany  France  UK


Italy  Swiss  Spain  Netherlands  Eastern Europe ...


Trafficking  Children trafficking  Kiddie porn (-*-)


Slavery  Goodbye Uncle Tom by Gualtiero Jacopetti






Check also many of these words at apps as

Ggl  Wiki  Wikt  Dic  Dmz  Yh  YT ...






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Help update and upgrade this page by


sending a pertinent  email about its content


to the contact  address






Special4u  Front Page  Videolaricss  Isiwebs



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